Monday, May 23, 2011

Following the Oregon Trail

On top of Castle Rock, Idaho. The road in back, and the one I road, is part of the Oregon trail.
Saturday May 21, I left Mountain Home, Idaho for the cooler air of Yellowstone. The map indicated RT 20E then 33E and then 20E again :)
As I left the hotel, I started climbing the mountain following the Oregon trail a 2,000-mile (3,200 km) historic east-west wagon route that connected the Missouri River to valleys in Oregon and locations in between.
These mountain passes are absolutely beautiful. All along route 20E, I was under constant watch of the snowed covered mountains while I ripped the tar below at 80 miles per hour on the long, lonely flats.
The temperature was a cool 50 degrees. It got lower as I climb higher altitudes. I would say higher 40's. The winds were calm. lots of sun on my face and the potatoes and onions carpeted the valleys to my left and right. I made a quick stop at the Craters of the Moon national monument.I made a quick stop at the Craters of the Moon national monument. I checked the extinc volcano and continued my journey East to Yellowstone.

As I passed Ashton, Idaho I entered Targhee National Forest. The temperature drop considerably and the forest got thicker. The smell of pine trees inside my helmet. Soon I would be in Yellowstone.
Craters of the Moon national monument

The view from my window. Can you believe this was a Super 8 motel?

The good thing about this ride is that I was always with the mountains on my side.

I got the official photo entering Montana

Of course, Montana is on the list too. I was 10 miles from Yellowstone

Exact route of the day:

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View of the Rocky Mountains

I made a quick stop at Craters of the Moon National Monument. It used to be an old volcano that broke its caldera.

Part of the lava flow from the collapse

15 miles to West Yellowstone, the mighty Rocky in the background. It was very cold about 45 degrees fortunately I was almost there

My noble steed C, I have to give it some camera time:)

This was dinner for the day. I was not very happy with the price $23 clams for the steak. Then again this is Yellowstone. The beer was good

There she front and centre. A picture of the restaurant I visited and of the town West Yellowstone

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