Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May Monday 16 20011, I arrived in Mountain, California

Victory!! after many days on the road , I finally made it to California thus completing one half of my journey through the United States.

I am glad I left Las Vegas with cool temperatures, 50 degrees, and calm winds. It looks like that desert gets mighty hot in the summer.
On Sunday, the winds were at 40 miles per hour but I was in the comfort of my hotel glad that I had to stay for the day.

Monday morning 7:00 AM, I had to put my winter clothes again. The plan for the trip to California changed suddenly the morning of May 16. I wanted to go North along the Nevada- California border and then across the Sierras through Inyo National Forest and the Yosemite. The weather was not cooperating and they had snow up in the Sierra. I didn't want to risk it as RT-120 is seasonally closed.
I opted for I-15 W then I-5 North along the Sacramento Valley. There is nothing to see in this part of the country. Just orchards, vineyards and farms for as long as the eye can see.
I was riding mainly under cool weather but after climbing the mountains it got too cold for comfort, the clouds covered the sun and the wind picked up speed. By 4:00 PM, it started to rain and I won't be out of it until I got to Cupertino at around 5:30 PM. At 6:00 PM, I was knocking on the door of my Cromehead brother Pencin, who generously offered me room and board. Tuesday May 17, I will enjoy his hospitality and YES, another lecture on his favourite subject, Final Drives.

Crossing the state line to California

As you can see, these mountains are little boring in California

The overcast sky made it colder and uncomfortable. The wind getting stronger.

The trip. This map only shows where I have being but not the exact route. I will be posting from now on two maps: a general map showing my location and a smaller one with the exact route of the day.

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