Saturday, May 21, 2011

I almost ran out of gasoline

It was a chilly morning as always 51 F according to the news. I left Alturas, CA at 8:45 AM on RT 395 North. I filled my tank and headed towards Boise, Idaho.The air was clear and the road interesting. Lost of trees and state forest around me.
Everything was fine until I got to Lake View, Oregon. I was enjoying the ride as the road takes you around Lake Goose, a weird alkaline lake with beautiful views.
The thing is that I did not notice that the next gas station was going to be 111 miles away. Hopefully, I had my tank full and for the next 163 miles I was going to be crossing through some scary desert wondering when I was going to run out of gas.
At the end, where RT 395 intersects 20, I found a tiny little town of 100 people called Riley. I finally saw the light. I filled my tank again when I was 8 miles into my gas reserve. The next town was Burns 21 miles away. I don't think I was going to be able to do it if I didn't find Riley.

I followed 20 until I found I 84 to take it express to Mountain Home, Idaho passing by Boise. Tomorrow, I am hoping to be in Yellow Stone and take a look at Old Faithful.

Beautiful building from the 1700's in Alturas, CA

395N still in California. Altitude 4,000 feet beautiful forest around me

Lake Goose, an alkaline lake between California and Oregon. Altitude 4,500 feet

Official photo entering to Oregon. I could not take one entering Idaho.

Lake Goose

And here boys is what I saw for 111 miles. I thought I was going to run out of gas. It was so disappointing to climb up a hill and then see something similar to this picture again for miles.

Sage brushes left and right. I was almost peeing on my pants. My head planning what was I going to do if I run out of gas. Pretty intimidating!!!

In Oregon, I started to go down hill towards Idaho.

Temperatures started to climb again to 75 F but felt comfortable.

Along canyons and following the Malheur River (a tributary of the Snake River).

Snake River and the Snake Valley. Lot's of potatoes and onions here. I was already in the Idaho side.

Today's route:

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Map of my general location in the country.

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